Can any man please God?It is absolutely impossible to please God with human efforts. There is no amount of good you can do that God will be pleased with. There is no religion that you practice that can give you approval from God. God’s standard for righteousness is so highContinue Reading

Another LifeThe Bible warns that after death comes judgment, and the choices we make in this life determine our eternal destiny. Hell is a real place prepared for those who reject God’s will, while heaven awaits those who follow it. To avoid hell’s punishment, we need a new life, whichContinue Reading

How to serve GodServing God is the ultimate honor a person can receive, but it must be initiated and designed by God Himself. Some have misunderstood true service, even resorting to violence in the name of God. To serve God, we must align our lives with His teachings and commandments,Continue Reading

The Name Above All NamesThe name of Jesus is a powerful gift from God, granting believers access to His blessings and favor. It holds authority to drive out evil, bring healing, and offer hope in times of trouble. To those living their lives for God, it serves as a shieldContinue Reading

What Are You Living for?In a world filled with various pursuits, the most rewarding path is to live a life that glorifies God and His kingdom. Living for God grants us peace beyond imagination and brings true fulfillment. Our purpose lies in pleasing Him, seeking His kingdom, and aligning ourContinue Reading

The greatest discoveryMan, as a creation of God, is naturally curious and seeks answers to life’s questions. While many discoveries have been made in various aspects of life, one question is often overlooked: “Why was I created?” The answer to this question is the GREATEST DISCOVERY you can make. YouContinue Reading

How to press your way into healingWelcome to a journey of divine healing and total health. In this pursuit, waiting is not an option. In this tract, you’ll discover the secret to experiencing God’s miraculous healing in your life. Get ready to press in and take hold of the abundantContinue Reading

The Secret to Living in Total HealthGod’s will for you is to live in complete health, free from sickness and disease. You were designed to have dominion over ailments and their causes. However, many suffer because they lack the secret to total health. The key lies in serving God andContinue Reading

The True Prosperity GospelProsperity, a universal aspiration, drives every soul seeking fulfillment. Yet, what defines true prosperity? Is it bound to material wealth and possessions? A poignant parable from Jesus reveals that genuine prosperity lies in our relationship with God, not in worldly riches. God desires our hearts and serviceContinue Reading

Accessing the Present Help in TroubleDiscover the path to accessing divine help in troubled times! This powerful Tract unveils the key to tapping into God’s present assistance. Learn how to live in His presence, build your faith, and command divine help in various life challenges. Confess Jesus as your LordContinue Reading