MIS-MATCHEDI want you to know that life is a puzzle, and we are the pieces. Locating your place in the puzzle of life is what guarantees peace and happiness. Life will never be fair to you until you discover and occupy your rightful place. Download Now!Continue Reading

Making Generational ImpactThis tract references the example of Abraham’s generational transformation after encountering God. It encourages readers to have a genuine encounter with God, which can lead to raising a godly family and making a positive generational impact. Through prayer, study of God’s Word, and discipleship, individuals can pass onContinue Reading

Love LetterThe tract is a heartfelt message from Jesus Christ to a beloved sinner, expressing His profound love and desire for a personal relationship. Jesus emphasizes the truth of His sacrifice for humanity’s sins and offers hope for salvation and eternal life in His Father’s kingdom. He urges the sinnerContinue Reading

How to defeat your enemyEvery man and woman on this planet Earth must contend with adversity in some form or another. These hostile forces want to destroy men’s lives and futures. These competing forces will ruin your life and destiny if you do nothing about them. Because of this, youContinue Reading

How to Be Free from Struggles in LifeBeloved, have you failed before? Or maybe you are witnessing failure right now. The good news is that the time has come for you to have a change of story. Your qualifications can fail you. Your skills and talents can fail like Peter’s.Continue Reading

Heaven or hell: choose your destinationEach individual has the power to determine their eternal destiny. God has not predestined anyone for heaven or hell; rather, it is our own choices that determine our destination. Therefore, to be certain of our eternal abode, we must understand the qualifications for both heavenContinue Reading

He Came to Give You Abundant LifeThough Jesus came to give abundant life, it is not accessible until one has surrendered his/her life to Him. He will do much more than you could ever ask or think in that area of your life where the devil is stealing and killingContinue Reading

God over moneyIn a world where people are driven by their needs and desires, the preference for money ahead of God has grown common. People nowadays seek God not for Who He is, but for what He can provide them. Others seek financial gain by selling their souls to theContinue Reading

Freedom from The Terror of DeathThe fear of death is a strategy of the devil to get people bound all their lives. Those who are bound by the devil this way have little expectation for the future. But God, in His mercy, had created a way of freedom for asContinue Reading

Do You Know…?Exploring the Fundamental Truths of Salvation, Heaven, Hell, and the Way Out. In this tract, we delve into profound questions that hold the key to our eternal destiny. Discover the truth about salvation, the reality of heaven and hell, and the liberating path found in Jesus Christ. GetContinue Reading