The will of God for you is living in total health. You are not created to be prone to sickness or diseases. God created you to have dominion over sickness an all that causes illness. (Read Genesis 1:28).
Despite the plan of God for total health, many people are sick today and many have died due to illness, because they lack the understanding of the secrets that guarantees total health. And here is the secret;
You are to serve the LORD your God, and he will bless your food and water, and I’ll remove sickness from you. (Exodus 23:25 ISV).
According to the above scripture, the secret to a life of total health is in SERVING GOD. This may sound unreasonable, but it the secret. Serving God is not just about going to church or participating in religious activities. Serving God is all about discovering and fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. And it is the sure guarantee for living in total health.
As long as Israel was living in God’s purpose by heading towards the Promised Land, they were all enjoying total health. The Bible says; “Then he led the Israelites out; they carried silver and gold, and all of them were healthy and strong”. (Psalms 105:37 GNB).
Those who serve God are serviced by Him. Moses at 120 (one hundred and twenty) years was strong and his eyes were not dim (Deut 34:7) because he lived serving God all the days of His life. Your health status can change today if you switch over to living a life in service to God. It doesn’t matter what has plagued your life, be it cancer, arthritis, barrenness, migraine, diabetes, asthma and so on. All of that will be a thing of the past if you decide for God right now. I have been there before and now am living above sickness to the glory of God.
If are ready to experience this new status, I like you to know that God has a purpose why He created you and it’s your responsibility to discover it through prayer and study of His word. But the entrance into this journey is salvation. If you are ready, you need to go to God in prayer and ask Him to come into your life and forgive you your sins. Ask Him to wash you with the blood of Jesus and uphold you till the end.
As you follow God through the study and meditation of His word, and carry out His assignment on earth, you shall begin to experience a new order of health from now in Jesus name.